Sunday, August 30, 2020

Media Project Reflection

As I started this project about my client Maurice, it was hard for me to pick just exactly what I wanted to do. I would think of one thing and then speculate that it wouldn't be a good option because he wouldn't be able to do "fill in the blank" or had problems with "fill in the blank". I think my ah-ha moment came when I thought to myself, "when I'm out in the field with a client, I will be able to physically be with them and see their abilities and that's just not possible in this situation." So I digested as much of the information as I could, and finally decided that I would do something that integrated in multiple aspects of Maurice's symptoms and problems and do the best I could with the written information I had. I focused on what the client's main goal was at the time, which was going home, and problems he had like his speech, expressions, low vision, and movement. I turned my assigned material (a Pringle's can) into a multi-use media that could help Maurice hopefully maintain some strength and ROM in his arms and legs by making it into a very very light weight that could easily be tied on to any of his extremities. Also, on the outside of the can, I included hopefully easy to see numbers from 1-10 for pain level and simple yes/no/maybe responses that he could point to if he was having difficulty communicating that day. On the top of the can, I also included some drawn emoji's with faces that could maybe help to get across how he was feeling if he couldn't show the expression or emotion and couldn't verbally express it clearly as well. 

I think that now I have an even deeper understanding of Parkinson's disease and the difficulties that come along with it. I researched a lot about the disease, the stage that I thought Maurice was in, and how I as an OT could help him in his current state. I also learned that sometimes great ideas aren't just going to pop in your head right from the beginning, but the more you search and find out about the client and the condition, the more you will be able to bring to the table to hopefully help the client. From this assignment, I will always take with me that you need to make sure you educate yourself on the condition the client is dealing with. Also, to always account for the many factors that every individual person will have based on their lives, diagnosis, and symptoms. This assignment really made me think and intensified my already huge want to know and understand more and to prepare myself to help my clients as much as possible.

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